Our Staff
Pastor Bob Willard
Lead Pastor

Pastor Bob is the founding pastor of The Meeting Place Church, serving the community for almost ten years. He is a nationally appointed U.S. Missionary through the Assemblies of God and has a heart for reaching the lost in the Buckeye neighborhood.
Pastor Ken McQuiller
Associate Pastor

Pastor Ken joined TMPC in May 2016 after interning the previous summer. During his internship, he grew a strong passion for inner city ministry and joined on staff as associate pastor. Currently he and his wife Shelby serve as Missionary Associates under Pastor Bob, serving the Buckeye neighborhood with a vision to plant another location of TMPC in a neighboring community.
Pastor Shelby McQuiller
Youth Pastor

Pastor Shelby has been a big part of TMPC from the very beginning. Through recognizing a need for a youth to gather together, she started TMPC's youth group right from her home. Since then, she has been the youth pastor, supporting the needs of young men and women in Buckeye. Her and her husband Ken are U.S. Missionary Associates to the inner city of Cleveland.
Nate Willard
Worship Leader

Nate is the worship leader at TMPC from the very beginning. He bring excellent talent as well as a strong recognition of the Holy Spirit to bring worship to TMPC. He also provides music gifting through rap.